Case Studies

Placekey success stories

See how people are using Placekey’s universal ID to match data and drive insights

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"Placekey has seamlessly integrated into our systems, surpassing our expectations with its stability and accuracy. It's been a game-changer for us."


"We searched for a bunch of different competitors but were drawn to Placekey because of its cost-efficiency and unmatched accuracy in address matching, which was crucial for our market needs."


"Proptech can benefit significantly from accurating mapping rental properties, along with pertinent information. Placekey makes mapping POIs easy and effective, so that you can leverage this information for faster, better property management."

Maricopa Association of Governments

"Placekey resolves differences in two databases that a human might be able to understand, but a computer doesn’t."

Johns Creek, GA

"The beauty of Placekey is that, once you have these keys appended to your data, you can link anything."

Digital Geography blog

"With Placekeys, users can match points for shops, apartments, and more, due to a common identifier."


"Consider how it would change your business if you could instantly analyze or enrich your own data with any other live data set you can imagine."


"We can deliver something seamless and tied to a single key, while de-risking the privacy cost of the join itself. "

CostQuest Associates

"I could see this removing friction for people who are looking to take addresses or textual matches and efficiently clean them up."