Case Studies

How Infutor is De-Risking Personally Identifiable Information and Accelerating Onboarding with Placekey

About Infutor

Data runs in our bloodstreams.” - Gary Walter, Infutor Founder

Introduction to Infutor and Identity Management

Infutor is a leading expert in consumer identity and access management, a burgeoning field that emerged from the need for corporations to have a stronger process to securely capture and manage customer identity and profile data. Before building Infutor, its CEO and founder had been launching and scaling database companies for over twenty years.

Infutor’s customer Identity and access management products act as a catalyst for brands to identify opportunities, drive engagement, increase awareness and focus product development. Infutor’s foundation product is its TrueSource™ Identity Graph, a leader product in the identity resolution space.

Infutor and the Challenge of Identity Resolution

Zora Senat, Infutor’s Senior Vice President of Marketing and Partnerships, works with a business development team at Infutor to expand its partnership network and integrations. Of Infutor’s dataset, Senat says, “The sheer volume of data and identities under management are unique to Infutor... Beyond that, we have layered on attributes about not just people but places. From our perspective, the possibilities really are endless with our data”.

“What [Placekey] enables for our clients is tying their data to our national population, tying their addresses to property attributes, and tying their automobiles to their property addresses.”  - Zora Senat 

Behind the customers and use cases that cover Infutor’s website lies their foundational product: Identity Resolution. Identity resolution, the process of linking all interactions, identity data, attributes and even predictive segmentation to a single consumer, has been a historical challenge, but Infutor “links all elements relating to an individual consumer in its TrueSource™ Identity Graph, which includes names, physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, mobile ad IDs, hashed emails, and transactions.”

Infutor’s Challenge: Identity Resolution, Privacy, and Onboarding

“What we can do is deliver something seamless and tied to a single key, while de-risking the privacy cost of the join itself...And the client can still benefit from our rich and copious attribute data.” -Zora Senat

For Infutor, physical location is an important aspect of data enrichment and quality data hygiene. Traditionally, this type of data has been challenging to source and update, given the rate of consumer data churn. Infutor’s customers are often working on de-identifying data, or detecting identifiers that directly point to a person and deleting those identifiers from the data in order to protect those individuals from any potential harm. Yet a looming challenge remains with personally identifiable information (PII).

Until now, PII was always tied to the person, which creates inherent risk. This is why Infutor is finding novel ways to solve this same problem that minimize risk: by coalescing PII on a place attribute instead of a person. This was one of the main drivers for Infutor’s interest in Placekey and the decision to append Placekeys to their master address table. 

Says Senat, “For a client who is prioritizing distancing themselves from the risk of bringing in third party PII and de-risking the cost of the join itself from PII to PII, what we can do is deliver something seamless and tied to a single key, and the client can still benefit from the rich and copious attribute data.”

Once Placekeys are appended to the master address table, which powers every address in the Infutor graph, they will be an instrumental metadata field in four premiere products that represent 60% of the team’s revenue, respectively. These products include: Total Demographic Profiles, Total Consumer Insights, Total Property Profiles, and Total Automotive Profiles.

The below diagram illustrates the new workflow, including Placekeys:

“What Placekeys enable for Infutor’s clients is the ability to easily join datasets across various data entities such as national population to property attributes or automobiles to property addresses,” says Senat. Once the files are anonymized, the team is then able to ship them with this address reference table which enables the two datasets to be joined “very simply.” Fundamentally, Placekey removes the risk, for Infutor and their clients, associated with a join when working with data that has PII.

“What Placekeys enable for Infutor’s clients is the ability to easily join datasets across various data entities such as national population to property attributes or automobiles to property addresses.” -Zora Senat
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"Placekey has seamlessly integrated into our systems, surpassing our expectations with its stability and accuracy. It's been a game-changer for us."


"We searched for a bunch of different competitors but were drawn to Placekey because of its cost-efficiency and unmatched accuracy in address matching, which was crucial for our market needs."


"Proptech can benefit significantly from accurating mapping rental properties, along with pertinent information. Placekey makes mapping POIs easy and effective, so that you can leverage this information for faster, better property management."