Comprehensive Guide to SNAP: Understanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Locations Dataset
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Locations dataset provides information about locations in Maryland where individuals can access SNAP services. This includes details on applying for SNAP benefits, eligibility rules, and various program components such as the Restaurant Meals Program and Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Program. The dataset is managed by the Maryland Department of Human Services and
Field Name | Field Description |
gers | Unknown field description |
Zip4 | ZIP Code 4-digit extension |
X | X coordinate for location |
geocode_latitude | Latitude from geocoding |
Latitude | Latitude coordinate |
Country | Country of location |
Longitude | Longitude coordinate |
Zip_Code | ZIP Code |
ObjectId | Unique object identifier |
Y | Y coordinate for location |
County | County name |
geocode_location_type | Type of geocoded location |
Record_ID | Identifier for the record |
parcel | Parcel identifier |
City | City name |
Store_Name | Name of the store |
confidence_score | Geocoding confidence score |
upi | Unique property identifier |
Store_Type | Type of store |
State | State name |
geocode_longitude | Longitude from geocoding |
Store_Street_Address | Street address of the store |
geoid | Geographic identifier |
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