Comprehensive Overview of Philadelphia Building Demolitions

Exploring Philadelphia Demolitions: Comprehensive Insights into the City's Building Demolitions Dataset

The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset provides a comprehensive inventory of building demolitions within the City of Philadelphia. It includes information on demolitions carried out by both private owners/contractors and the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to dangerous building conditions. The dataset contains details such as demolition dates, types, statuses, and owner information, offering insights into the city's demolition activities.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
contractorcity City where the contractor is located
contractorstate State where the contractor is located
posse_jobid Unique ID for the job in the POSSE system
city City of the demolition site
lng Longitude coordinate of the demolition site
start_date Date when the demolition work started
unit_type Type of unit being demolished
mostrecentinsp Date of the most recent inspection
zip Zip code of the demolition site
state State of the demolition site
contractorname Name of the contractor
contractoraddress1 Primary address of the contractor
caseorpermitnumber Case or permit number associated with the demolition
typeofworkdescription Description of the type of work being done
the_geom Geometric representation of the demolition site
record_type Type of record, e.g., permit or violation case
unit_num Unit number of the building being demolished
contractortype Type of contractor involved in the demolition
censustract Census tract of the demolition site
geocode_y Latitude coordinate of the demolition site
contractoraddress2 Secondary address of the contractor
objectid Unique identifier for the record
full_address Full address of the demolition site
addressobjectid Unique identifier for the address record
country_code Country code of the demolition site
opa_owner Owner of the property as per Office of Property Assessment
systemofrecord System of record for the demolition data
typeofwork Type of work being performed
parcel_id_num Parcel ID number of the property
contractorzip Zip code of the contractor
status Status of the demolition project
geocode_x Longitude coordinate of the demolition site
completed_date Date when the demolition was completed
address Address of the demolition site
city_demo City where the demolition is taking place
opa_account_num Account number from the Office of Property Assessment
the_geom_webmercator Web Mercator projection of the geometry
applicantname Name of the applicant requesting demolition
applicanttype Type of applicant for the demolition permit
lat Latitude of the demolition site
council_district Council district where the demolition site is located

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City of Philadelphia boundaries.

The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset covers the geographical area within the City of Philadelphia, documenting building demolitions conducted by both private owners and the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to hazardous building conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Philadelphia Demolitions dataset?
The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset is an inventory of building demolitions occurring within the City of Philadelphia. It includes demolitions performed by private owners/contractors through permits, as well as those conducted by the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to dangerous building conditions, resulting from violations of city building codes.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset is managed by the City of Philadelphia's Department of Licenses and Inspections. It tracks building demolitions within the city, including those performed by private owners and by the department itself due to dangerous building conditions. The dataset is part of OpenDataPhilly, which aims to provide accessible and transparent data to the public. Specific founding details or individual contributors are not typically disclosed for such datasets.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset provides comprehensive coverage of building demolitions within the City of Philadelphia. This includes demolitions carried out by both private owners/contractors and the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to hazardous building conditions. The dataset encompasses detailed information such as demolition dates, census tract locations, demolition types (permit or violation case), owner names, and the status of each demolition. Key fields include property addresses, owner details, contractor information, and geolocation coordinates. The dataset serves as a valuable resource for urban planning, regulatory compliance, and public safety initiatives in Philadelphia.
Why is the Philadelphia Demolitions dataset valuable?
The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset is valuable because it provides detailed insights into building demolitions within the city, including information on safety, urban development, and property management, which can inform policy decisions and urban planning.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Philadelphia Demolitions
The Philadelphia Demolitions dataset tracks building demolitions in Philadelphia by both private entities and the city's Department of Licenses and Inspections.
Update Frequency
City of Philadelphia boundaries.
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Approximately 13,500 entries.
Maintained By
Department of Licenses and Inspections

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