Comprehensive Guide to Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations: Ensuring Small Business Support Across the Nation
The "Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations" dataset provides information about the geographic locations of lenders participating in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was established by the U.S. Small Business Administration to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. This dataset includes details such as lender names, addresses, and possibly other identifying information relevant to understanding where businesses could access PPP loans. It serves as a resource for assessing lender distribution and accessibility across different regions.
Field Name | Field Description |
Term | Loan Maturity in Months |
UndisbursedAmount | Undisbursed Amount |
SBAGuarantyPercentage | SBA Guaranty Percentage |
Veteran | Veteran Indicator |
HubzoneIndicator | Hubzone Indicator |
BorrowerAddress | Borrower Street Address |
RENT_PROCEED | Rent Proceed |
SBAOfficeCode | SBA Origination Office Code |
PAYROLL_PROCEED | Payroll Proceed |
InitialApprovalAmount | Loan Approval Amount (at origination) |
DEBT_INTEREST_PROCEED | Debt Interest Proceed |
LoanStatusDate | Loan Status Date - Loan Status Date is blank when the loan is disbursed but not Paid In Full or Charged Off |
LoanNumber | Loan Number (unique identifier) |
ServicingLenderAddress | Servicing Lender Address |
NAICSCode | NAICS 6 digit code |
NonProfit | 'Yes' if Business Type = Non-Profit Organization or Non-Profit Childcare Center or 501(c) Non Profit |
OriginatingLender | Originating Lender Name |
ServicingLenderLocationID | Servicing Lender Location ID |
Ethnicity | Borrower Ethnicity Description |
ForgivenessDate | Forgiveness Paid Date |
ProjectZip | Project Zip Code |
FranchiseName | Franchise Name |
ForgivenessAmount | Forgiveness Amount |
OriginatingLenderState | Originating Lender State |
ServicingLenderName | Servicing Lender Name |
BorrowerZip | Borrower Zip Code |
ProcessingMethod | Loan Delivery Method (PPP for first draw; PPS for second draw) |
BorrowerState | Borrower State |
CurrentApprovalAmount | Loan Approval Amount (current) |
RuralUrbanIndicator | Rural Urban Indicator |
BusinessType | Business Type Description |
ServicingLenderState | Servicing Lender State |
DateApproved | Loan Funded Date |
ProjectState | Project State |
OriginatingLenderLocationID | Originating Lender ID (unique identifier) |
JobsReported | Number of Employees |
HEALTH_CARE_PROCEED | Health Care Proceed |
ServicingLenderCity | Servicing Lender City |
BorrowerName | Borrower Name |
CD | Congressional District |
MORTGAGE_INTEREST_PROCEED | Mortgage Interest Proceed |
LoanStatus | Loan Status Description - Loan Status is replaced by 'Exemption 4' when the loan is disbursed but not Paid in Full or Charged Off |
LMIIndicator | Low to Moderate Income Indicator |
UTILITIES_PROCEED | Utilities Proceed |
ServicingLenderZip | Servicing Lender Zip Code |
Gender | Gender Indicator |
ProjectCountyName | Project County Name |
BorrowerCity | Borrower City |
OriginatingLenderCity | Originating Lender City |
BusinessAgeDescription | Business Age Description |
Race | Borrower Race Description |
ProjectCity | Project City |