Overview of Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations: Ensuring Small Business Support Across the Nation

The "Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations" dataset provides information about the geographic locations of lenders participating in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was established by the U.S. Small Business Administration to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. This dataset includes details such as lender names, addresses, and possibly other identifying information relevant to understanding where businesses could access PPP loans. It serves as a resource for assessing lender distribution and accessibility across different regions.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
Term Loan Maturity in Months
UndisbursedAmount Undisbursed Amount
SBAGuarantyPercentage SBA Guaranty Percentage
Veteran Veteran Indicator
HubzoneIndicator Hubzone Indicator
BorrowerAddress Borrower Street Address
SBAOfficeCode SBA Origination Office Code
InitialApprovalAmount Loan Approval Amount (at origination)
LoanStatusDate Loan Status Date - Loan Status Date is blank when the loan is disbursed but not Paid In Full or Charged Off
LoanNumber Loan Number (unique identifier)
ServicingLenderAddress Servicing Lender Address
NAICSCode NAICS 6 digit code
NonProfit 'Yes' if Business Type = Non-Profit Organization or Non-Profit Childcare Center or 501(c) Non Profit
OriginatingLender Originating Lender Name
ServicingLenderLocationID Servicing Lender Location ID
Ethnicity Borrower Ethnicity Description
ForgivenessDate Forgiveness Paid Date
ProjectZip Project Zip Code
FranchiseName Franchise Name
ForgivenessAmount Forgiveness Amount
OriginatingLenderState Originating Lender State
ServicingLenderName Servicing Lender Name
BorrowerZip Borrower Zip Code
ProcessingMethod Loan Delivery Method (PPP for first draw; PPS for second draw)
BorrowerState Borrower State
CurrentApprovalAmount Loan Approval Amount (current)
RuralUrbanIndicator Rural Urban Indicator
BusinessType Business Type Description
ServicingLenderState Servicing Lender State
DateApproved Loan Funded Date
ProjectState Project State
OriginatingLenderLocationID Originating Lender ID (unique identifier)
JobsReported Number of Employees
ServicingLenderCity Servicing Lender City
BorrowerName Borrower Name
CD Congressional District
LoanStatus Loan Status Description - Loan Status is replaced by 'Exemption 4' when the loan is disbursed but not Paid in Full or Charged Off
LMIIndicator Low to Moderate Income Indicator
ServicingLenderZip Servicing Lender Zip Code
Gender Gender Indicator
ProjectCountyName Project County Name
BorrowerCity Borrower City
OriginatingLenderCity Originating Lender City
BusinessAgeDescription Business Age Description
Race Borrower Race Description
ProjectCity Project City

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Nationwide across the United States.

The Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations dataset covers various financial institutions across the United States that participated in the Paycheck Protection Program, providing loans to help businesses maintain their workforce during the COVID-19 crisis. The dataset includes information on the geographic locations of these lenders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations dataset?
Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations is a dataset that provides information on the locations of lenders that participated in the U.S. Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was designed to help businesses retain their workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Lender Locations dataset was established as part of the U.S. government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). It was designed to provide transparency and facilitate access to the PPP loans that aimed to help businesses maintain their workforce during the crisis. The dataset involves various lenders who participated in the program, providing crucial data on their locations and services offered under the PPP.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations dataset provides comprehensive coverage across the United States. It includes detailed information about lender locations that participated in the Paycheck Protection Program, which was established to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. The dataset encompasses lender names, addresses, contact information, and geographic coordinates. This information is crucial for understanding the distribution and accessibility of lenders who facilitated PPP loans. The dataset is particularly useful for research and analysis on financial aid distribution, economic recovery efforts, and accessibility of financial services during emergencies. The dataset does not currently include additional features like buildings or parcels, but it remains an essential resource for analyzing the reach and impact of the PPP across the U.S.
Why is the Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations dataset valuable?
The Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations dataset is valuable because it provides insights into the distribution and accessibility of financial assistance to businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, helping analyze the reach and impact of the program in supporting economic stability.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Paycheck Protection Program Lender Locations
The dataset provides information on lenders participating in the Paycheck Protection Program.
Update Frequency
Nationwide across the United States.
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Nationwide, thousands of lender locations.
Maintained By
U.S. Small Business Administration
