Unlocking the Secrets of NYC Real Property Data: Your Comprehensive Guide to New York's Property Landscape
The NYC Real Property Data is a comprehensive collection of property-related information managed by the New York City Department of Finance. It includes official documents such as deeds, mortgages, and leases, accessible through the Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS). The dataset also encompasses property tax information, assessments, sales data, and digital tax maps, providing a detailed view of real estate transactions and property details across New York City.
Field Name | Field Description |
city | Name of the city |
NTA | Neighborhood Tabulation Area |
Census Tract | Defined area for census data collection |
Latitude | Geographic latitude coordinate |
Lot | Lot number in the block |
Longitude | Geographic longitude coordinate |
Address | Street address of the property |
X Coordinate | X coordinate in NYC grid system |
BBL | Borough, Block, and Lot number |
Borough | Borough name in NYC |
Final 18/19 Actual AV | Final Actual Assessed Value for 2018/2019 |
Bldg. Class | Building classification code |
Community District | Community district number |
region | Geographical region or area |
confidence_score | Score indicating data confidence level |
Y Coordinate | Y coordinate in NYC grid system |
Tax Class | Classification for tax purposes |
Block | Block number in the borough |
ZIP_Code | Postal ZIP Code |
RPIE Year | Year of the Real Property Income and Expense filing |
BIN | Building Identification Number |
Status | Current status of the property |
City Council District | City council district number |