Exploring NYC Public Computer Access: A Comprehensive Guide to Free Digital Resources and Training Across the City
The NYC Public Computer Access dataset provides information on over 450 public computer centers across New York City's five boroughs, offering free Wi-Fi, devices, and digital skills training. These centers include resources such as computers, mobile devices, software, and digital media tools, with instructors providing more than 2,500 hours of digital skills training weekly. The initiative is supported by the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation in partnership with various city agencies to enhance internet accessibility and digital literacy.
Field Name | Field Description |
Tue Close_2 | Closing time on Tuesday for the second session |
Location | Geographical location of the center |
NTA Name | Name of the Neighborhood Tabulation Area |
Operator Name | Name of the operator managing the center |
Census Tract | Specific census tract identifier |
Device Loaning | Availability of device loaning services |
OID | Object Identifier for the record |
WiFi Dwn | Wi-Fi download speed |
Latitude | Latitude coordinate of the location |
Wed Open_2 | Opening time on Wednesday for the second session |
Longitude | Longitude coordinate of the location |
Fri Close | Closing time on Friday |
BoroCode | Code representing the borough |
Thu Close_2 | Closing time on Thursday for the second session |
Oversight Agency | Agency responsible for oversight |
NTA Code | Code for the Neighborhood Tabulation Area |
Address | Street address of the center |
Tue Open | Opening time on Tuesday |
URL | Website URL for more information |
Fri Open_2 | Opening time on Friday for the second session |
Sat Close | Closing time on Saturday |
Supplementary Equipment | Availability of supplementary equipment |
Access Notes | Notes on accessing the center |
BoroCD | Borough Community District identifier |
Wi-Fi Available | Availability of Wi-Fi services |
Sat Open | Opening time on Saturday |
BBL | Building Block Lot identifier |
Borough | Name of the borough |
country | Country where the center is located |
Open Lab Hrs Per Wk | Number of open lab hours per week |
Fri Open | Opening time on Friday |
Mon Open | Opening time on Monday |
Wheelchair Access Notes | Notes on wheelchair accessibility |
Tue Close | Closing time on Tuesday |
Sat Close_2 | Closing time on Saturday for the second session |
Sun Close | Closing time on Sunday |
Thu Close | Closing time on Thursday |
Wheelchair Accessible | Indicates if the center is wheelchair accessible |
Fri Close_2 | Closing time on Friday for the second session |
Mon Close | Closing time on Monday |
Wed Close_2 | Closing time on Wednesday for the second session |
AddrStr | Street name of the address |
Wireline Up | Wireline upload speed |
Council Distrcit | Council district number |
Training Hours Per Wk | Total hours of training offered per week |
Devices Loaned | Number of devices available for loaning |
City | Name of the city |
BCTCB2010 | Code representing BCTCB2010 classification |
Wed Close | Closing time on Wednesday |
Postcode | Postal code of the location |
AddrNum | Address number |
Thu Open_2 | Opening time on Thursday for the second session |
Mon Close_2 | Closing time on Monday for the second session |
Access Requirements | Requirements for accessing the center |
Location Name | Name of the location |
Wed Open | Opening time on Wednesday |
Tue Open_2 | Opening time on Tuesday for the second session |
Addr_Suffix | Address suffix |
Thu Open | Opening time on Thursday |
State | Name of the state |
Mon Open_2 | Opening time on Monday for the second session |
Staffed | Indicates if the center is staffed |
Sun Open | Opening time on Sunday |
Wireline Dwn | Wireline download speed |
OS Accessibility Features | Operating system accessibility features |
Workstation # | Number of workstations available |
AddrDir | Address directional |
WiFi Up | Wi-Fi upload speed |
BIN | Building Identification Number |
Language Access | Language access services provided |
Sat Open_2 | Opening time on Saturday for the second session |