Unlocking Access to Technology: The Citywide Public Computer Centers Dataset for NYC in FY2019
The Citywide Public Computer Centers dataset for FY2019 provides detailed information about various public computer centers across New York City, including their locations, available services, and operating agencies. To facilitate seamless integration with other datasets, we have appended Placekeys to this dataset. You can download the complete dataset directly from this page.
Field Name | Field Description |
OID | Unique identifier for the record |
Oversight Agency | Agency responsible for overseeing the location |
Operator Name | Name of the operator managing the location |
Location Name | Name of the location |
Address | Full address of the location |
AddrNum | Street number of the location |
AddrDir | Street direction (e.g., N, S, E, W) |
AddrStr | Street name |
Addr_Suffix | Street suffix (e.g., Ave, St, Blvd) |
City | City where the location is situated |
State | State where the location is situated |
Postcode | Postal code for the location |
Latitude | Latitude coordinates of the location |
Longitude | Longitude coordinates of the location |
Wireline Dwn | Wireline download speed at the location (Mbps) |
Wireline Up | Wireline upload speed at the location (Mbps) |
WiFi Dwn | WiFi download speed at the location (Mbps) |
WiFi Up | WiFi upload speed at the location (Mbps) |
Wi-Fi Available | Indicates whether Wi-Fi is available at the location |
Workstation # | Number of workstations available at the location |
Staffed | Indicates if the location is staffed |
The dataset covers the geography of New York City, detailing the locations of public computer centers across all five boroughs for Fiscal Year 2019.
The Citywide Public Computer Centers FY2019 dataset is a free dataset that lists public computer centers across New York City. It provides information such as center locations, services offered, and operating hours. This dataset is useful for residents, researchers, and policymakers interested in understanding and improving access to digital resources throughout the city.
The "Citywide Public Computer Centers FY2019" dataset from the City of New York was developed to provide information on public computer centers across the city during the fiscal year 2019. The dataset is maintained by the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) and includes details like the location and availability of computer centers. It is part of New York City's open data initiative aimed at increasing transparency and providing accessible data to the public.
The Citywide Public Computer Centers dataset provides details on public computer centers across New York City. It includes information on the center's name, address, borough, community district, and the number of computers available. The dataset is extensive, covering numerous centers in all five boroughs, and is updated regularly to ensure accuracy. This dataset is useful for anyone looking for public access to computers, including students, job seekers, and residents requiring internet access.
The dataset is valuable because it provides crucial information about public computer centers in New York City, helping to identify access points for digital services, aiding in resource allocation, and supporting efforts to bridge the digital divide.
NYC Public Computer Access data can be easily appended with a Placekey (a open matching service for physical places). Once the data is appended with a Placekey, it can be easily joined with any other dataset that has a postal address or physical address.
The dataset is maintained by the NYC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT).
City of New York dataset, open data license. More Info