Overview of NCES Public School Characteristics Dataset

Navigating the Landscape of Education: Unveiling the NCES Public School Characteristics Dataset

The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset provides comprehensive data on the attributes of elementary and secondary schools in the United States, including traditional public, public charter, and private schools. It covers various aspects such as school level, racial/ethnic composition, geographical locale, and socioeconomic factors, including eligibility for free or reduced-price lunch. The dataset is part of the National Center for Education Statistics' efforts to offer insights into the demographic and operational characteristics of schools, helping to inform educational policies and practices.

Data Schema

Header Description
X General variable for unspecified data
HPALM Data related to students' health and physical activities
G07 Grade 7 data, typically related to education statistics
TR Teacher ratio or related teacher statistics
TOTFENROL Total female enrollment in the institution
FRELCH Free or reduced lunch eligibility count
G03 Grade 3 data, typically related to education statistics
LATCOD Latitude coordinate of the school location
ASALF Asian ancestry or language fluency data
AMALF American ancestry or language fluency data
MEMBER Membership status or type
BL Black or African American demographic data
G10 Grade 10 data, typically related to education statistics
PK Pre-kindergarten education data
HIALF Hispanic ancestry or language fluency data
Y General variable for positive or yes/no data
ULOCALE Urban locale classification of the school
TOTFRL Total free or reduced lunch eligibility count
NCESSCH National Center for Education Statistics school ID
SURVYEAR Survey year for the collected data
LZIP Zip code of the school's location
HPALF Health and physical activity data
VIRTUAL Virtual or online school status
KG Kindergarten enrollment or data
FTE Full-time equivalent, typically used for staff or enrollment
LSTREET1 Primary street address of the school
TOTMENROL Total male enrollment in the institution
WH White demographic data
SY_STATUS_TEXT School year status description
ST_LEAID State-level education agency ID
STATUS Current status of the school or program
G06 Grade 6 data, typically related to education statistics
STUTERATIO Student-teacher ratio
WHALM White ancestry or language fluency data
HP Health and physical data
country Country where the school is located
LCITY City where the school is located
G11 Grade 11 data, typically related to education statistics
G02 Grade 2 data, typically related to education statistics
TRALM Teacher-related language or ancestry data
G01 Grade 1 data, typically related to education statistics
LZIP4 Additional 4 digits of the zip code for precise location
GSLO General school locale
G13 Grade 13 data, typically related to education statistics
LONCOD Longitude coordinate of the school location
LSTREET2 Secondary street address of the school
G09 Grade 9 data, typically related to education statistics
UG Ungraded classes or data
PHONE Contact phone number of the school
OBJECTID Unique object identifier for database management
AE Alternative education data
NMCNTY Name of the county where the school is located
BLALM Black ancestry or language fluency data
LEA_NAME Name of the local education agency
AS_ Asian-related data
G12 Grade 12 data, typically related to education statistics
SCHOOL_TYPE_TEXT Text description of the school type
BLALF Black ancestry or language fluency data
LSTATE State where the school is located
TOTAL Total enrollment or other total data
G05 Grade 5 data, typically related to education statistics
DIRECTCERT Direct certification for free/reduced meals
AM American demographic data
CHARTER_TEXT Text description of the charter status
address Full address of the school
G08 Grade 8 data, typically related to education statistics
AMALM American ancestry or language fluency data
HI Hispanic demographic data
ASALM Asian ancestry or language fluency data
GSHI General school or Hispanic information
STABR State abbreviation
SCH_NAME Name of the school
HIALM Hispanic ancestry or language fluency data
LEAID Local education agency ID
TRALF Teacher-related language or fluency data
SCHOOL_LEVEL Level of the school (elementary, middle, high)
REDLCH Reduced lunch eligibility count
G04 Grade 4 data, typically related to education statistics
WHALF White ancestry or language fluency data

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United States and District Columbia

The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset covers public schools in the United States, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools, with a focus on aspects such as racial/ethnic concentration, school locale, poverty status, and Title I eligibility. It provides detailed insights into the distribution, demographics, and socio-economic factors influencing schools across different regions and types for the school year 2021–22.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the NCES Public School Characteristics dataset?
The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset provides comprehensive data on the characteristics of elementary and secondary schools in the United States, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools. It includes information on school demographics, enrollment figures, racial/ethnic composition, school locales, poverty levels, Title I eligibility and participation, and religious orientation of private schools. This dataset is an essential resource for understanding the educational landscape and trends across different types of schools in the U.S.
What is the history of this dataset?
The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset is a product of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education. NCES was established to collect, analyze, and publish statistics on the condition of education in the United States. The dataset is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program, which collects data from public elementary and secondary schools across the country. The CCD has been collecting data since the 1980s, and it involves collaboration with state education agencies to ensure comprehensive and accurate data collection and reporting.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset provides comprehensive coverage of the United States, including data for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The dataset includes detailed information on public schools, private schools, and charter schools, encompassing various characteristics such as school level, racial/ethnic composition, school locale, and socioeconomic status. It includes data on the number of schools, school types, racial/ethnic concentration, and poverty levels, as well as Title I eligibility and participation. Additionally, details about the religious orientation of private schools are included. This dataset is ideal for analyzing trends in school demographics, educational inequality, and resource allocation, making it useful for educators, policymakers, and researchers.
Why is the NCES Public School Characteristics dataset valuable?
The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive insights into the demographics, enrollment, racial composition, and socioeconomic factors of public and private schools in the U.S., aiding policymakers, educators, and researchers in understanding and addressing educational needs and disparities.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
NCES Public School Characteristics
The NCES Public School Characteristics dataset provides detailed information on various attributes of elementary and secondary schools in the United States.
Update Frequency
United States and District Columbia
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Large dataset, approximately 99,200 schools.
Maintained By
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

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