Comprehensive Overview of the National Downloadable File: Insights into Doctors and Clinicians Data

Comprehensive Insight into National Downloadable Files: The Essential Dataset for Doctors and Clinicians Data

The National Downloadable File from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section is a comprehensive dataset that provides detailed information on clinicians and their Medicare enrollment records across the United States. Each entry is unique at the clinician/enrollment record/group/address level, capturing clinicians with multiple Medicare enrollments or those associated with multiple practice locations. The dataset includes fields such as National Provider Identifier (NPI), provider names, credentials, specialties, and practice addresses, offering an extensive resource for exploring healthcare provider data.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
gndr Provider Gender
zip_code Provider ZIP Code
telehlth Telehealth Capable Indicator
sec_spec_4 Fourth Secondary Specialty
adr_ln_1 Address Line 1
state Provider State
mimi_src_file_name Source File Name
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_person_name Custom Column for Person Name with Placekey
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_location_name Custom Column for Location Name with Placekey
cred Provider Credentials
mimi_dlt_load_date Data Load Date
sec_spec_3 Third Secondary Specialty
ind_pac_id Individual PAC ID
grp_assgn Group Assignment Indicator
mimi_src_file_date Source File Date
city_town Provider City/Town
provider_last_name Provider Last Name
telephone_number Provider Telephone Number
sec_spec_all All Secondary Specialties
sec_spec_1 First Secondary Specialty
pri_spec Primary Specialty
sec_spec_2 Second Secondary Specialty
provider_first_name Provider First Name
provider_middle_name Provider Middle Name
ind_assgn Individual Assignment Indicator
org_pac_id Organizational PAC ID
facility_name Facility Name
adr_ln_2 Address Line 2
ln_2_sprs Line 2 Suppress Indicator
med_sch Medical School
grd_yr Graduation Year
suff Name Suffix
adrs_id Address ID
npi National Provider Identifier
num_org_mem Number of Organizational Members
ind_enrl_id Individual Enrollment ID
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_street_address Custom Column for Street Address with Placekey

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United States nationwide coverage

The National Downloadable Files from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section cover a wide range of healthcare providers across the United States, detailing information at the clinician/enrollment record/group/address level. Each entry is unique and includes clinicians with multiple Medicare enrollment records and practice locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the National Downloadable Files from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section dataset?
The National Downloadable File from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section is a comprehensive dataset that provides detailed information on clinicians in the United States. This dataset includes millions of records that are unique at the clinician/enrollment record/group/address level, capturing various attributes such as Medicare enrollments, practice locations, specialties, and contact information. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the distribution and characteristics of healthcare providers across the nation.
What is the history of this dataset?
The National Downloadable Files from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The dataset aims to provide detailed information about clinicians and their practice locations across the U.S. It was first issued to the public on August 17, 2023. The dataset is intended for public access to enhance transparency in healthcare services and is regularly updated to ensure its accuracy and relevance.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The National Downloadable File from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section offers comprehensive coverage across the United States, focusing specifically on data related to healthcare providers enrolled in Medicare. This extensive dataset includes over 2.5 million rows and 31 columns of detailed information, encompassing a range of attributes about clinicians. Key data points include the clinician’s National Provider Identifier (NPI), enrollment IDs, names, gender, credentials, medical school, graduation year, primary and secondary specialties, telehealth capabilities, and multiple practice locations with corresponding addresses and contact numbers. Additionally, it covers organizational affiliations and assignment information. This dataset is invaluable for applications in healthcare analytics, policy making, and provider network management. It is regularly updated, with the most recent modification on December 2, 2024, ensuring users have access to current information.
Why is the National Downloadable Files from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section dataset valuable?
The dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive, detailed information on doctors and clinicians, enabling insights into healthcare provider characteristics, specialties, and locations, which can enhance healthcare research, policy-making, and patient decision-making.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
National Downloadable Files from the Doctors and Clinicians Data section
The dataset contains detailed clinician and enrollment records linked to multiple practice locations.
Update Frequency
United States nationwide coverage
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Large, approximately 2.6 million rows
Maintained By
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

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