LA Country Health Inspection Results deep dive

Explore the Dynamic World of LA County's Environmental Health: Restaurant and Market Inventory Dataset

Explore the comprehensive Environmental Health Restaurant and Market Inventory dataset, which provides detailed information on food establishments across Los Angeles County as of April 1, 2024. To facilitate seamless data integration, we've appended Placekeys to each record, making it easier to join with other datasets. Download the dataset directly from this page and enhance your analysis with accurate and up-to-date insights.

Data Schema

Field NameDescription
ACTIVITY_DATEDate of the recorded activity.
OWNER_IDUnique identifier for the owner of the facility.
OWNER_NAMEName of the owner of the facility.
FACILITY_IDUnique identifier for the facility.
FACILITY_NAMEName of the facility.
RECORD_IDUnique identifier for the specific record or report.
PROGRAM_NAMEName of the program under which the activity is categorized.
PROGRAM_STATUSStatus of the program (e.g., active, inactive).
PROGRAM_ELEMENTSpecific element within the program related to the activity.
PE_DESCRIPTIONDescription of the program element.
placekeyPlacekey identifier for the facility's location.
address_placekeyPlacekey corresponding to the address of the facility.
building_placekeyPlacekey corresponding to the building where the activity occurred.

Interested in the full dataset?


Los Angeles County

The dataset covers the geographical area of Los Angeles County, providing an inventory of restaurants and markets within this region. It includes data relevant to environmental health inspections and operations of these establishments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LA Country Health Inspection Results?
The Environmental Health Restaurant and Market Inventory dataset from Los Angeles County is a comprehensive record of inspections conducted on restaurants and food markets. It includes details on public health inspections, violations, and safety compliance for food establishments throughout the county, providing insights into their operational safety and adherence to health regulations​.
What is the history of this dataset?

The Linked Dataset, titled "Environmental Health Restaurant and Market Inventory 04/01/2024," is hosted by Los Angeles County's Data Portal. It is managed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. This dataset includes information pertinent to the regulation and inspection of restaurants and markets within the county, and supports public transparency and safety. The dataset involves multiple stakeholders, including local health officials, public health inspectors, and data analysts working together to maintain and update the information.

How often is the data updated?


What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Los Angeles County Environmental Health Restaurant and Market Inventory dataset provides comprehensive coverage of food establishments in LA County as of April 1, 2024. The dataset includes information like business names, addresses, permit statuses, and inspection results. It's valuable for public health tracking, compliance monitoring, and market analysis.
Why is LA Country Health Inspection Results valuable?

This dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on restaurant and market health standards, aiding public health efforts, consumer awareness, and business compliance in Los Angeles County.

How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
LA County Health Inspection data can be easily appended with a Placekey (a open matching service for physical places).  Once the Inspection data is appended with a Placekey, it can be easily joined with any other dataset that has a postal address or physical address.

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
LA Country Health Inspection Results
One sentence: This dataset contains information on restaurants and markets in Los Angeles County as of April 1, 2024.
Update Frequency
Los Angeles County
Data Quality
Not assessed
Dataset Size
Approximately 40k rows.
Maintained By

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.


This dataset is public; see the FAQ for details.