Comprehensive Overview of Hospital Data from CMS: Insights into Medicare-Certified Facilities

Comprehensive Insights on Hospital Data from CMS: Comparing Quality Across Medicare-Certified Facilities

The Hospital Data from CMS is a comprehensive dataset provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, allowing users to compare the quality of care in Medicare-certified hospitals, Veterans Administration medical centers, and Department of Defense hospitals across the United States. It includes various metrics such as patient survey results, complications, deaths, and hospital ratings, aimed at facilitating informed decision-making for patients and stakeholders. The dataset is part of the official datasets used on and is updated periodically to reflect current healthcare standards and practices.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
Count of MORT Measures Better Number of mortality measures where the hospital performed better than the national average.
Count of Safety Measures Better Number of safety measures where the hospital performed better than the national average.
Facility ID Unique identifier for the hospital facility.
Count of MORT Measures Worse Number of mortality measures where the hospital performed worse than the national average.
Address Street address of the hospital.
Meets criteria for promoting interoperability of EHRs Indicates if the hospital meets criteria for electronic health records interoperability.
Pt Exp Group Footnote Footnote related to the patient's experience group measures.
ZIP Code Postal code area where the hospital is located.
Count of Facility READM Measures Total number of readmission measures reported by the facility.
Emergency Services Indicates if the hospital provides emergency services.
Count of READM Measures Better Number of readmission measures where the hospital performed better than the national average.
Hospital overall rating footnote Footnote related to the hospital's overall rating.
Hospital Type Category type of the hospital (e.g., general, specialized).
Count of Safety Measures Worse Number of safety measures where the hospital performed worse than the national average.
Facility Name Name of the hospital facility.
Safety Group Footnote Footnote related to the safety group measures.
MORT Group Measure Count Total number of mortality group measures reported.
Count of MORT Measures No Different Number of mortality measures where the hospital performance was similar to the national average.
TE Group Measure Count Total number of timely and effective care group measures reported.
Count of Safety Measures No Different Number of safety measures where the hospital performance was similar to the national average.
Hospital Ownership Ownership status of the hospital (e.g., government, nonprofit, private).
Pt Exp Group Measure Count Total number of patient experience group measures reported.
Count of Facility MORT Measures Total number of mortality measures reported by the facility.
Meets criteria for birthing friendly designation Indicates if the hospital meets criteria for a birthing friendly designation.
READM Group Measure Count Total number of readmission group measures reported.
Count of Facility TE Measures Total number of timely and effective care measures reported by the facility.
Count of Facility Safety Measures Total number of safety measures reported by the facility.
Count of Facility Pt Exp Measures Total number of patient experience measures reported by the facility.
State State where the hospital is located.
Safety Group Measure Count Total number of safety group measures reported.
City/Town City or town where the hospital is located.
Count of READM Measures Worse Number of readmission measures where the hospital performed worse than the national average.
Telephone Number Contact telephone number for the hospital.
County/Parish County or parish where the hospital is located.
Hospital overall rating Overall quality rating of the hospital.
Count of READM Measures No Different Number of readmission measures where the hospital performance was similar to the national average.

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Nationwide across United States.

The Hospital Data from CMS covers Medicare-certified hospitals, Veterans Administration (VA) medical centers, and Department of Defense (DoD) hospitals across the United States, allowing for comparison of the quality of care provided nationwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Hospital Data from CMS dataset?
Hospital Data from CMS is an official dataset provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, offering comprehensive data on the quality of care in Medicare-certified hospitals, Veterans Administration medical centers, and Department of Defense hospitals across the United States.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Hospital Data from CMS was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The dataset is part of CMS's efforts to promote transparency and provide the public with detailed information on the quality of care provided by Medicare-certified hospitals, Veterans Administration (VA) medical centers, and Department of Defense (DoD) hospitals. The dataset involves collaboration with healthcare providers, policymakers, and stakeholders to ensure accurate and comprehensive hospital performance data.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Hospital Data from CMS dataset offers comprehensive coverage of Medicare-certified hospitals, Veterans Administration (VA) medical centers, and Department of Defense (DoD) hospitals across the United States. This dataset includes various measures and data points that allow for the comparison of healthcare quality across these institutions. Key components of the dataset include quality of care metrics, patient survey results, Medicare spending per beneficiary, hospital ratings, and data on complications, deaths, and unplanned hospital visits. It also covers topics like health equity, maternal health, and timely and effective care. Recently, the dataset has been updated to include new measures for the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program and the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program. The dataset is ideal for applications in healthcare analysis, policy-making, and enhancing patient care experiences.
Why is the Hospital Data from CMS dataset valuable?
The Hospital Data from CMS is valuable because it enables comparisons of care quality across Medicare-certified hospitals, VA medical centers, and DoD hospitals nationwide, helping patients make informed healthcare decisions and driving improvements in hospital performance.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Hospital Data from CMS
The Hospital Data from CMS provides quality comparisons for Medicare-certified hospitals in the U.S.
Update Frequency
Nationwide across United States.
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Approximately 15MB in size.
Maintained By
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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