Comprehensive Overview of Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments

All You Need to Know About Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Provider Data and Enrollment Trends

The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset provides information on Medicare providers specializing in home infusion therapy. It is updated biweekly and sourced from the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS), offering insights into the enrollment characteristics of these providers.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
geographic_location_city_name The name of the city for the geographic location.
zip_code The postal code for the location.
city The name of the city.
geographic_location_zip_code The postal code associated with the geographic location.
state The state where the location is situated.
mimi_src_file_name The source file name in the MIMI system.
enrollment_id A unique identifier for enrollment purposes.
legal_business_name The official legal name of the business.
practice_location_phone_number The phone number for the practice location.
mimi_dlt_load_date The date when data was loaded into the MIMI system.
geographic_location_type_description Description of the type of geographic location.
mimi_src_file_date The date of the source file in the MIMI system.
street_address_line_1 The first line of the street address.
specialty_name The name of the specialty at the location.
street_address_line_2 The second line of the street address, if applicable.
geographic_location_state_code The state code for the geographic location.
state_county_name The name of the county within the state.
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_street_address A custom identifier associated with the street address.

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United States nationwide coverage.

The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset provides information on healthcare providers in the United States who specialize in home infusion therapy services and are enrolled in Medicare. The dataset covers details such as provider characteristics and is updated biweekly by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset?
The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset provides comprehensive information on Medicare providers specializing in home infusion therapy services across the United States. It includes details about provider enrollment, characteristics, and related resources, updated biweekly by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
What is the history of this dataset?
The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The dataset provides biweekly updates on providers specializing in Home Infusion Therapy, relying on information gathered from the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS). The dataset is part of CMS's broader efforts to ensure transparency and accessibility of healthcare provider information. There is no specific individual founder, as it is a product of the agency's institutional activities.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset provides comprehensive coverage of providers specializing in Home Infusion Therapy under Medicare across the United States. This dataset is updated biweekly, ensuring that it remains current and relevant. Included in the dataset are details about the providers, such as their enrollment status, geographical location (including states and ZIP codes), and their affiliations with Medicare programs like Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. The dataset is particularly useful for stakeholders in healthcare planning, policy-making, and research who require up-to-date information about Medicare-certified home infusion therapy providers. Additionally, it includes tags related to hospitals, facilities, outpatient services, and provider enrollment, making it a valuable resource for understanding the landscape of home infusion therapy services in the U.S.
Why is the Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset valuable?
The dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on Medicare providers specializing in Home Infusion Therapy, which aids in understanding the availability, distribution, and specialization of these healthcare services across the United States.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments
The Home Infusion Therapy Provider Medicare Enrollments dataset provides information on Medicare providers specializing in home infusion therapy.
Update Frequency
United States nationwide coverage.
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Moderate-sized, updated biweekly.
Maintained By
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Public Use File (Free)