Comprehensive Overview of Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments

Understanding Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments: A Comprehensive Guide to the Dataset

The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset provides comprehensive enrollment information for all home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare. This dataset includes details such as the agency's legal business name, doing business as name, organization type, and address. It is updated quarterly by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure the most current data is available.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
zip_code ZIP Code of the practice location
organization_other_type_text Additional description of organization type
city City of the practice location
practice_location_type Type of practice location
ccn_remapped Remapped CCN (CMS Certification Number)
enrollment_state State in which the enrollment is registered
state State where the practice is located
associate_id Unique identifier for the associate
mimi_src_file_name Source file name from MiMi database
multiple_npi_flag Indicator for multiple NPIs associated
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_location_name Custom column for Placekey location name
enrollment_id Unique identifier for enrollment
organization_name Name of the organization
mimi_dlt_load_date Date the data was loaded into the MiMi system
provider_type_code Code representing the type of provider
ccn CMS Certification Number
mimi_src_file_date Date the source file was created in MiMi
incorporation_date Date of incorporation
provider_type_text Text description of provider type
incorporation_state State of incorporation
doing_business_as_name Name the organization is doing business as
address_line_2 Second line of address
proprietary_nonprofit Indicates if the organization is proprietary or nonprofit
organization_type_structure Type and structure of the organization
npi National Provider Identifier
address_line_1 First line of address
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_street_address Custom column for Placekey street address

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United States government dataset

The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset provides enrollment information on all home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare across the United States. It includes details such as the agency's legal business name, organization type, and address.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset?
The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset provides comprehensive enrollment information on all home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare. This dataset includes details such as the agency's legal business name, doing business as name, organization type, and address. It is updated quarterly by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure the most current information is available.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The dataset provides information on home health agencies enrolled in Medicare and was established to ensure transparency and accessibility of data related to healthcare providers. It involves collaboration between CMS and various healthcare providers to maintain up-to-date enrollment information. The dataset is typically updated quarterly to reflect the most current data available.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset provides comprehensive coverage of home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare across the United States. It includes detailed information such as the HHA's legal business name, doing business as name, organization type, and address. This dataset is regularly updated on a quarterly basis, ensuring that users have access to the most current data available. This dataset is ideal for applications related to healthcare management, policy analysis, and research on healthcare services. Additionally, users can find resources like data guidance and a data dictionary to better understand and utilize the dataset effectively.
Why is the Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset valuable?
The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on all home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare, including their legal and business names, organization types, and addresses, which can be crucial for healthcare planning, policy-making, and research.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments
The Home Health Agency Medicare Enrollments dataset provides enrollment information on home health agencies currently enrolled in Medicare.
Update Frequency
United States government dataset
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Extensive, thousands of enrollments data.
Maintained By
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Public Use File (Free)