Everything You Need to Know About Federally Qualified Health Centers: Comprehensive Provider Locations Dataset
The Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Provider Locations dataset comprises information on the locations of FQHCs across various cities and rural areas. These centers offer healthcare services to individuals regardless of their insurance status, with payment options based on income. The dataset is useful for finding accessible healthcare facilities and understanding the distribution of FQHCs in different regions.
Field Name | Field Description |
zip_code | The postal code for the address |
organization_other_type_text | Text describing other types of organization |
city | The city where the organization is located |
ccn_remapped | Remapped CMS Certification Number (CCN) |
enrollment_state | The state where the organization is enrolled |
state | The state where the organization is located |
associate_id | Unique identifier for the associate |
mimi_src_file_name | Name of the source file from MiMi |
multiple_npi_flag | Flag indicating multiple NPI presence |
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_location_name | Temporary placekey location identifier with custom column prefix |
enrollment_id | Unique identifier for the enrollment |
organization_name | The name of the organization |
mimi_dlt_load_date | Date when the MiMi data was loaded |
provider_type_code | Code representing the type of provider |
ccn | CMS Certification Number |
mimi_src_file_date | Date of the source file from MiMi |
incorporation_date | Date when the organization was incorporated |
provider_type_text | Text describing the type of provider |
incorporation_state | State where the organization was incorporated |
doing_business_as_name | The name under which the organization does business |
address_line_2 | Second line of the organization's address |
proprietary_nonprofit | Indicator if the organization is proprietary or nonprofit |
organization_type_structure | Structure type of the organization |
npi | National Provider Identifier |
address_line_1 | First line of the organization's address |
custom_column_prefix_id_tmp_placekey_street_address | Temporary placekey street address with custom column prefix |
Publicly available; license info unknown.