Washington DC Healthy Corner Stores Dataset

Uncover the Power of OpenData DC: Explore the Comprehensive Address Dataset for Better Insights

This dataset provides comprehensive information on public space permits issued by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) in Washington, D.C. It includes details such as permit types, locations, and issuance dates, allowing for thorough analysis of public space usage. To facilitate easy integration with other datasets, Placekeys have been appended to each record, and the dataset is available for download.

Data Schema

Field NameField Description
XX coordinate of the store location
YY coordinate of the store location
OBJECTIDUnique identifier for the object
STOREName of the store
ADDRESSAddress of the store
XCOORDX coordinate for geospatial data
YCOORDY coordinate for geospatial data
MATCHTYPEType of match used for geolocation
MAR_IDMaster Address Repository identifier
LATITUDELatitude coordinate of the store location
LONGITUDELongitude coordinate of the store location
GIS_IDGeographical Information System identifier
GLOBALIDGlobal unique identifier for the record
CREATORPerson or system that created the record
CREATEDDate and time when the record was created
EDITORPerson or system that edited the record
EDITEDDate and time when the record was last edited

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Washington, D.C.

This dataset covers the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, focusing specifically on geographical data within the District of Columbia. It includes detailed information spatially relevant to the nation's capital and its immediate surroundings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DC Healthy Corner Stores?

The DC Healthy Corner Stores dataset is a public dataset that lists corner stores in Washington, D.C. participating in the Healthy Corner Store Program. It includes store names, addresses, and locations, highlighting stores that offer healthier food options such as fresh produce. This dataset is a valuable resource for community members, health advocates, and researchers interested in improving access to nutritious food in underserved areas.

What is the history of this dataset?

The linked dataset is part of the Open Data DC initiative, which is managed by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) in Washington, D.C. This initiative was launched to promote transparency, improve the delivery of services, and enhance community engagement by making public data easily accessible. Multiple city agencies contribute to the dataset, providing information that ranges from crime statistics to infrastructure details.

How often is the data updated?


What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?

The dataset from Open Data DC offers coverage of all participating corner stores in Washington DC, and includes information on addresses as well as geocoordinates.

Why is DC Healthy Corner Stores valuable?

The dataset is valuable because it provides detailed information on crime incidents in Washington, D.C., enabling data-driven decision making for public safety, policy development, and community awareness.

How do I join this dataset with other datasets?

DC Healthy Corner Stores data can be easily appended with a Placekey (a open matching service for physical places). Once the data is appended with a Placekey, it can be easily joined with any other dataset that has a postal address or physical address.

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Washington DC Healthy Corner Stores
Washington DC Corner Stores Dataset
Update Frequency
Washington, D.C.
Data Quality
Not assessed
Dataset Size
Approximately 71 rows.
Maintained By

The dataset is maintained by D.C. Health.


Washington DC Open Data License