Comprehensive Overview of Chicago Building Permits Dataset

Comprehensive Insights into the Chicago Building Permits Dataset: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Construction Trends and Regulations in the Windy City

The Chicago Building Permits Dataset is a comprehensive collection of records detailing the building permits issued by the city of Chicago. It includes information such as permit numbers, types, descriptions, addresses, issue dates, and the cost of the construction projects. This dataset is valuable for analyzing trends in construction, urban development, and regulatory compliance within the city.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
CONTACT_10_CITYCity related to contact 10
CONTACT_10_TYPEType information for contact 10
CONTACT_12_TYPEType information for contact 12
IDUnique identifier for the record
WARDWard information
cityGeneral city information
CONTACT_12_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 12
CONTACT_9_NAMEName of contact 9
CONTACT_12_CITYCity related to contact 12
STREET_NAMEName of the street
XCOORDINATEX coordinate for mapping
PIN_LISTList of PINs associated
CONTACT_8_TYPEType information for contact 8
LATITUDELatitude coordinate
SUBTOTAL_UNPAIDSubtotal of unpaid fees
BUILDING_FEE_PAIDAmount of building fee that has been paid
CONTACT_4_STATEState information for contact 4
stateGeneral state information
CONTACT_15_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 15
OTHER_FEE_SUBTOTALSubtotal of other fees
CONTACT_11_TYPEType information for contact 11
CONTACT_15_STATEState related to contact 15
OTHER_FEE_UNPAIDAmount of other fees that are unpaid
CONTACT_13_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 13
CONTACT_2_NAMEName of contact 2
CONTACT_15_NAMEName of contact 15
CONTACT_10_NAMEName of contact 10
ZONING_FEE_WAIVEDAmount of zoning fee that is waived
PERMIT#Permit number
OTHER_FEE_PAIDAmount of other fees that have been paid
SUBTOTAL_WAIVEDSubtotal of waived fees
CONTACT_7_STATEState related to contact 7
CONTACT_2_STATEState information for contact 2
CONTACT_3_STATEState information for contact 3
CONTACT_6_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 6
BUILDING_FEE_UNPAIDAmount of building fee that is unpaid
CONTACT_8_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 8
SUBTOTAL_PAIDSubtotal of paid fees
CONTACT_11_NAMEName of contact 11
CONTACT_1_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 1
PERMIT_MILESTONEPermit milestone status
CONTACT_13_NAMEName of contact 13
CONTACT_11_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 11
CONTACT_8_NAMEName of contact 8
ISSUE_DATEDate when the permit was issued
CONTACT_5_CITYCity related to contact 5
CONTACT_7_CITYCity related to contact 7
CONTACT_10_STATEState related to contact 10
CONTACT_4_TYPEType information for contact 4
full_addressFull address of the location
CONTACT_2_TYPEType information for contact 2
ZONING_FEE_SUBTOTALSubtotal of zoning fees
CONTACT_14_CITYCity related to contact 14
PERMIT_TYPEType of the permit
YCOORDINATEY coordinate for mapping
CONTACT_3_CITYCity related to contact 3
CONTACT_9_CITYCity related to contact 9
CONTACT_10_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 10
REPORTED_COSTReported cost of the project
CONTACT_7_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 7
CONTACT_3_TYPEType information for contact 3
CONTACT_12_STATEState related to contact 12
BUILDING_FEE_SUBTOTALSubtotal of building fees
REVIEW_TYPEType of review
CONTACT_6_STATEState related to contact 6
ZONING_FEE_UNPAIDAmount of zoning fee that is unpaid
CONTACT_13_TYPEType information for contact 13
WORK_TYPEType of work being done
CONTACT_14_STATEState related to contact 14
CONTACT_2_CITYCity related to contact 2
TOTAL_FEETotal fee amount
BUILDING_FEE_WAIVEDAmount of building fee that is waived
CONTACT_8_CITYCity related to contact 8
CONTACT_2_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 2
CONTACT_9_STATEState related to contact 9
CONTACT_7_TYPEType information for contact 7
CONTACT_1_TYPEType information for contact 1
LOCATIONLocation details
CONTACT_3_NAMEName of contact 3
CONTACT_15_TYPEType information for contact 15
CONTACT_11_STATEState related to contact 11
CONTACT_15_CITYCity related to contact 15
CONTACT_8_STATEState related to contact 8
ZONING_FEE_PAIDAmount of zoning fee that has been paid
CONTACT_6_NAMEName of contact 6
CONTACT_5_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 5
STREET_DIRECTIONDirection of the street
CONTACT_5_STATEState related to contact 5
CONTACT_14_TYPEType information for contact 14
CONTACT_14_NAMEName of contact 14
CONTACT_12_NAMEName of contact 12
CONTACT_6_CITYCity related to contact 6
WORK_DESCRIPTIONDescription of the work
CONTACT_1_NAMEName of contact 1
COMMUNITY_AREACommunity area designation
CONTACT_11_CITYCity related to contact 11
CONTACT_9_TYPEType information for contact 9
CONTACT_4_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 4
CONTACT_13_CITYCity related to contact 13
CONTACT_14_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 14
CONTACT_3_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 3
CONTACT_5_TYPEType information for contact 5
CONTACT_4_NAMEName of contact 4
CONTACT_13_STATEState related to contact 13
CONTACT_1_STATEState related to contact 1
CONTACT_1_CITYCity related to contact 1
LONGITUDELongitude coordinate
CONTACT_9_ZIPCODEZip code for contact 9
PERMIT_STATUSStatus of the permit
CONTACT_5_NAMEName of contact 5
CONTACT_4_CITYCity related to contact 4
CONTACT_6_TYPEType information for contact 6
CONTACT_7_NAMEName of contact 7
STREET_NUMBERStreet number of the location
CENSUS_TRACTCensus tract information
APPLICATION_START_DATEStart date of the application
PROCESSING_TIMETime taken for processing
OTHER_FEE_WAIVEDAmount of other fees that are waived
placekeyUnique identifier for the place
address_placekeyPlacekey related to the address
building_placekeyPlacekey related to the building

Interested in the full dataset?


Entire city of Chicago

The Chicago Building Permits Dataset encompasses information about building permits issued within the city limits of Chicago. It includes a wide range of data related to construction, alterations, and repairs for residential, commercial, and industrial properties across the various neighborhoods and districts of Chicago.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Chicago Building Permits Dataset dataset?
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset is a comprehensive collection of data detailing building permits issued by the city of Chicago. This dataset includes information on various types of permits, such as new constructions, renovations, and demolitions. It provides insights into the location, type, and status of permits, as well as the dates of issuance and completion. This dataset is valuable for urban planners, researchers, and the general public interested in understanding the dynamics of building activities and urban development patterns within Chicago.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset is maintained by the City of Chicago and is part of the city's open data initiative. It was created to provide transparency and facilitate public access to information about building permits issued within the city. The dataset includes details about permits such as type, address, and status. It is managed by the Department of Buildings and has been used by various stakeholders, including city planners, researchers, and the general public, to analyze construction trends and urban development.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset provides comprehensive coverage of building permits issued within the city of Chicago. This dataset includes detailed information about each permit, such as the type of work to be performed (e.g., new construction, renovation, demolition), the permit's issuance date, the estimated cost of the work, and the property's address. It also contains information on the permit holder, contractor details, and any relevant zoning or land use information. The dataset is ideal for applications in urban development analysis, real estate market assessments, and city planning initiatives. It offers a valuable resource for understanding construction trends and assessing the growth and development patterns within Chicago.
Why is the Chicago Building Permits Dataset dataset valuable?
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive insights into urban development, regulatory compliance, and economic activity within the city, enabling stakeholders to analyze trends, assess property investments, and ensure transparency in construction practices.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Chicago Building Permits Dataset
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset contains records of building permits issued in Chicago.
Update Frequency
Entire city of Chicago
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Approximately 100,000 entries.
Maintained By
City of Chicago.
