Comprehensive Insights into the Chicago Building Permits Dataset: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Construction Trends and Regulations in the Windy City
The Chicago Building Permits Dataset is a comprehensive collection of records detailing the building permits issued by the city of Chicago. It includes information such as permit numbers, types, descriptions, addresses, issue dates, and the cost of the construction projects. This dataset is valuable for analyzing trends in construction, urban development, and regulatory compliance within the city.
Field Name | Field Description |
CONTACT_10_CITY | City related to contact 10 |
CONTACT_10_TYPE | Type information for contact 10 |
CONTACT_12_TYPE | Type information for contact 12 |
ID | Unique identifier for the record |
WARD | Ward information |
city | General city information |
CONTACT_12_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 12 |
CONTACT_9_NAME | Name of contact 9 |
CONTACT_12_CITY | City related to contact 12 |
STREET_NAME | Name of the street |
XCOORDINATE | X coordinate for mapping |
PIN_LIST | List of PINs associated |
CONTACT_8_TYPE | Type information for contact 8 |
LATITUDE | Latitude coordinate |
SUBTOTAL_UNPAID | Subtotal of unpaid fees |
BUILDING_FEE_PAID | Amount of building fee that has been paid |
CONTACT_4_STATE | State information for contact 4 |
state | General state information |
CONTACT_15_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 15 |
OTHER_FEE_SUBTOTAL | Subtotal of other fees |
CONTACT_11_TYPE | Type information for contact 11 |
CONTACT_15_STATE | State related to contact 15 |
OTHER_FEE_UNPAID | Amount of other fees that are unpaid |
CONTACT_13_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 13 |
CONTACT_2_NAME | Name of contact 2 |
CONTACT_15_NAME | Name of contact 15 |
CONTACT_10_NAME | Name of contact 10 |
ZONING_FEE_WAIVED | Amount of zoning fee that is waived |
PERMIT# | Permit number |
OTHER_FEE_PAID | Amount of other fees that have been paid |
SUBTOTAL_WAIVED | Subtotal of waived fees |
CONTACT_7_STATE | State related to contact 7 |
CONTACT_2_STATE | State information for contact 2 |
CONTACT_3_STATE | State information for contact 3 |
CONTACT_6_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 6 |
BUILDING_FEE_UNPAID | Amount of building fee that is unpaid |
CONTACT_8_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 8 |
SUBTOTAL_PAID | Subtotal of paid fees |
CONTACT_11_NAME | Name of contact 11 |
CONTACT_1_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 1 |
PERMIT_MILESTONE | Permit milestone status |
CONTACT_13_NAME | Name of contact 13 |
CONTACT_11_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 11 |
CONTACT_8_NAME | Name of contact 8 |
ISSUE_DATE | Date when the permit was issued |
CONTACT_5_CITY | City related to contact 5 |
CONTACT_7_CITY | City related to contact 7 |
CONTACT_10_STATE | State related to contact 10 |
CONTACT_4_TYPE | Type information for contact 4 |
full_address | Full address of the location |
CONTACT_2_TYPE | Type information for contact 2 |
ZONING_FEE_SUBTOTAL | Subtotal of zoning fees |
CONTACT_14_CITY | City related to contact 14 |
PERMIT_TYPE | Type of the permit |
YCOORDINATE | Y coordinate for mapping |
CONTACT_3_CITY | City related to contact 3 |
CONTACT_9_CITY | City related to contact 9 |
CONTACT_10_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 10 |
REPORTED_COST | Reported cost of the project |
CONTACT_7_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 7 |
CONTACT_3_TYPE | Type information for contact 3 |
CONTACT_12_STATE | State related to contact 12 |
BUILDING_FEE_SUBTOTAL | Subtotal of building fees |
REVIEW_TYPE | Type of review |
CONTACT_6_STATE | State related to contact 6 |
ZONING_FEE_UNPAID | Amount of zoning fee that is unpaid |
CONTACT_13_TYPE | Type information for contact 13 |
WORK_TYPE | Type of work being done |
CONTACT_14_STATE | State related to contact 14 |
CONTACT_2_CITY | City related to contact 2 |
TOTAL_FEE | Total fee amount |
BUILDING_FEE_WAIVED | Amount of building fee that is waived |
CONTACT_8_CITY | City related to contact 8 |
CONTACT_2_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 2 |
CONTACT_9_STATE | State related to contact 9 |
CONTACT_7_TYPE | Type information for contact 7 |
CONTACT_1_TYPE | Type information for contact 1 |
LOCATION | Location details |
CONTACT_3_NAME | Name of contact 3 |
CONTACT_15_TYPE | Type information for contact 15 |
CONTACT_11_STATE | State related to contact 11 |
CONTACT_15_CITY | City related to contact 15 |
CONTACT_8_STATE | State related to contact 8 |
ZONING_FEE_PAID | Amount of zoning fee that has been paid |
CONTACT_6_NAME | Name of contact 6 |
CONTACT_5_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 5 |
STREET_DIRECTION | Direction of the street |
CONTACT_5_STATE | State related to contact 5 |
CONTACT_14_TYPE | Type information for contact 14 |
CONTACT_14_NAME | Name of contact 14 |
CONTACT_12_NAME | Name of contact 12 |
CONTACT_6_CITY | City related to contact 6 |
WORK_DESCRIPTION | Description of the work |
CONTACT_1_NAME | Name of contact 1 |
COMMUNITY_AREA | Community area designation |
CONTACT_11_CITY | City related to contact 11 |
CONTACT_9_TYPE | Type information for contact 9 |
CONTACT_4_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 4 |
CONTACT_13_CITY | City related to contact 13 |
CONTACT_14_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 14 |
CONTACT_3_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 3 |
CONTACT_5_TYPE | Type information for contact 5 |
CONTACT_4_NAME | Name of contact 4 |
CONTACT_13_STATE | State related to contact 13 |
CONTACT_1_STATE | State related to contact 1 |
CONTACT_1_CITY | City related to contact 1 |
LONGITUDE | Longitude coordinate |
CONTACT_9_ZIPCODE | Zip code for contact 9 |
PERMIT_STATUS | Status of the permit |
CONTACT_5_NAME | Name of contact 5 |
CONTACT_4_CITY | City related to contact 4 |
CONTACT_6_TYPE | Type information for contact 6 |
CONTACT_7_NAME | Name of contact 7 |
STREET_NUMBER | Street number of the location |
CENSUS_TRACT | Census tract information |
APPLICATION_START_DATE | Start date of the application |
PROCESSING_TIME | Time taken for processing |
OTHER_FEE_WAIVED | Amount of other fees that are waived |
placekey | Unique identifier for the place |
address_placekey | Placekey related to the address |
building_placekey | Placekey related to the building |