Comprehensive Overview of Boston Food Establishment Inspections Dataset

Everything You Need to Know About Boston Food Establishment Inspections: Ensuring Health and Safety in the City

The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset is managed by the Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services and contains records of individual inspections and results for food establishments across Boston. It ensures that these establishments comply with sanitary codes and standards by conducting at least annual inspections, with additional follow-ups for high-risk businesses and in response to complaints about unsanitary conditions or illness. This dataset is updated daily, covering inspections from April 2006 to the present.

Data Schema

Field Name Field Description
descript Description of the inspection or violation
city City where the inspection took place
violdttm Date and time of the violation
resultdttm Date and time of the inspection result
namelast Last name of the individual associated with the inspection
location Physical location of the establishment
zip Zip code of the establishment
state State where the establishment is located
violdesc Description of the violation
businessname Name of the business inspected
result Outcome of the inspection
issdttm Issue date and time of the inspection
status_date Date when the status was recorded
legalowner Legal owner of the establishment
country Country of the establishment
property_id Identifier for the property
licstatus Status of the license
expdttm Expiration date and time of the license
licensecat Category of the license
viol_status Status of the violation
violation Specific violation identified
namefirst First name of the individual associated with the inspection
address Street address of the establishment
dbaname Doing Business As name of the establishment
licenseno License number of the establishment
viol_level Level or severity of the violation
comments Additional comments regarding the inspection

Interested in the full dataset?


City of Boston only

The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset covers food establishments across the entire City of Boston, encompassing all relevant locations within the city's boundaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset?
The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset is a comprehensive collection of records detailing the sanitary inspections of food establishments across the City of Boston. It includes information on inspection results to ensure compliance with health codes and standards, capturing data from April 2006 to the present.
What is the history of this dataset?
The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset is managed by the Inspectional Services Department under the City of Boston. The dataset is published by the Department of Innovation and Technology. It was created to ensure that all food establishments in Boston comply with sanitary codes and standards. Regular inspections are conducted by the Health Division, which is responsible for maintaining this dataset, with records dating back to April 2006. The dataset is updated daily to provide current information on food safety and compliance.
How often is the data updated?
What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset offers comprehensive coverage of food establishments throughout the City of Boston. The dataset primarily includes records of individual inspections and their results, ensuring that all food establishments comply with relevant sanitary codes and standards. Inspections are conducted at least once a year, with follow-up inspections for high-risk establishments and in response to complaints regarding unsanitary conditions or illness. The temporal coverage of the dataset spans from April 2006 to the present, with updates occurring daily. This extensive dataset is suitable for applications related to public health monitoring, regulatory compliance, and safety assurance in the food service industry.
Why is the Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset valuable?
The dataset is valuable because it provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on the sanitary conditions of food establishments in Boston, enabling public health monitoring, ensuring compliance with health codes, and informing consumer choices.
How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
You can use Placekey's Join Dataset Tool, here!

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Boston Food Establishment Inspections
The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset contains records of health inspections for food establishments in Boston.
Update Frequency
City of Boston only
Data Quality
Not assessed.
Dataset Size
Large, over 10,000 records.
Maintained By
Inspectional Services Department

Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication