Everything You Need to Know About Boston Food Establishment Inspections: Ensuring Health and Safety in the City
The Boston Food Establishment Inspections dataset is managed by the Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services and contains records of individual inspections and results for food establishments across Boston. It ensures that these establishments comply with sanitary codes and standards by conducting at least annual inspections, with additional follow-ups for high-risk businesses and in response to complaints about unsanitary conditions or illness. This dataset is updated daily, covering inspections from April 2006 to the present.
Field Name | Field Description |
descript | Description of the inspection or violation |
city | City where the inspection took place |
violdttm | Date and time of the violation |
resultdttm | Date and time of the inspection result |
namelast | Last name of the individual associated with the inspection |
location | Physical location of the establishment |
zip | Zip code of the establishment |
state | State where the establishment is located |
violdesc | Description of the violation |
businessname | Name of the business inspected |
result | Outcome of the inspection |
issdttm | Issue date and time of the inspection |
status_date | Date when the status was recorded |
legalowner | Legal owner of the establishment |
country | Country of the establishment |
property_id | Identifier for the property |
licstatus | Status of the license |
expdttm | Expiration date and time of the license |
licensecat | Category of the license |
viol_status | Status of the violation |
violation | Specific violation identified |
namefirst | First name of the individual associated with the inspection |
address | Street address of the establishment |
dbaname | Doing Business As name of the establishment |
licenseno | License number of the establishment |
viol_level | Level or severity of the violation |
comments | Additional comments regarding the inspection |
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