Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data deep dive

PPP loan data provides detailed information on loans issued under the Paycheck Protection Program to help assess the program's impact.

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) data released by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) includes detailed loan-level information on over 4.9 million loans made to support small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This dataset highlights the amount and recipients of the loans, as well as demographic and geographic distributions, showcasing the program's impact on small businesses across the U.S.

Data Schema

Field NameField Description
PlacekeyPlacekey (unique identifier)
LoanNumberLoan Number (unique identifier)
DateApprovedLoan Funded Date
SBAOfficeCodeSBA Origination Office Code
ProcessingMethodLoan Delivery Method (PPP for first draw; PPS for second draw)
BorrowerNameBorrower Name
BorrowerAddressBorrower Street Address
BorrowerCityBorrower City
BorrowerStateBorrower State
BorrowerZipBorrower Zip Code
LoanStatusDateLoan Status Date - Loan Status Date is blank when the loan is disbursed but not Paid In Full or Charged Off
LoanStatusLoan Status Description - Loan Status is replaced by 'Exemption 4' when the loan is disbursed but not Paid in Full or Charged Off
TermLoan Maturity in Months
SBAGuarantyPercentageSBA Guaranty Percentage
InitialApprovalAmountLoan Approval Amount (at origination)
CurrentApprovalAmountLoan Approval Amount (current)
UndisbursedAmountUndisbursed Amount
FranchiseNameFranchise Name
ServicingLenderLocationIDServicing Lender Location ID
ServicingLenderNameServicing Lender Name
ServicingLenderCityServicing Lender City
ServicingLenderStateServicing Lender State
LoanFundedAmountLoan Funded Amount
JobsReportedNumber of Employees
NAICSCodeNAICS 6 digit code
RaceBorrower Race Description
EthnicityBorrower Ethnicity Description
UTILITIES_PROCEEDNote: Proceed data is lender-reported at origination. On the PPP application, the proceeds fields were check boxes.
BusinessTypeBusiness Type Description
OriginatingLenderLocationIDOriginating Lender ID (unique identifier)
OriginatingLenderOriginating Lender Name
OriginatingLenderCityOriginating Lender City
OriginatingLenderStateOriginating Lender State
GenderGender Indicator
VeteranVeteran Indicator
NonProfit'Yes' if Business Type = Non-Profit Organization or Non-Profit Childcare Center or 501(c) Non Profit
ForgivenessAmountForgiveness Amount
ForgivenessDateForgiveness Paid Date

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The United States

Data from public sources is most useful when joined with other data. We joined PPP loan data with Department of Labor Wage & Hour Compliance Data.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data?
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) dataset is a free dataset of over 4.9 million loans distributed to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes details such as loan amounts, recipient names, and geographic and demographic breakdowns, highlighting the economic impact of the program across the U.S.
What is the history of this dataset?

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) data is maintained by the Small Business Administration (SBA). It was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support small businesses. The SBA oversees this dataset to provide transparency on the distribution and impact of PPP loans.

How often is the data updated?


What is the coverage and what is included in this dataset?
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) dataset covers loans issued under the PPP, a relief initiative aimed at supporting small businesses affected by COVID-19. The dataset includes details such as the names of businesses that received loans, loan amounts, the number of jobs retained, and the loan forgiveness status. It provides coverage across the entire United States, encompassing a wide range of businesses. This comprehensive dataset is useful for analyzing the impact of the PPP on small businesses and assessing the program’s reach and effectiveness.
Why is Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data valuable?

The PPP data is valuable because it provides transparency on the distribution of COVID-19 relief funds, enabling analysis of the impact on small businesses and supporting efforts to ensure the program's effectiveness.

How do I join this dataset with other datasets?
PPP data can be easily appended with a Placekey (a open matching service for physical places).  Once the PPP data is appended with a Placekey, it can be easily joined with any other dataset that has a postal address or physical address.

Dataset at a glance

Dataset Name
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data
Data on loans issued under the Paycheck Protection Program
Update Frequency
The United States
Data Quality
Not assessed
Dataset Size
4.9 M Rows
Maintained By

US Small Business Administration


This dataset is public; see the FAQ for details.